
As specialists in commercial and residential construction, we know that there’s no one size that fits all. We offer a range of services that are versatile to fit your needs, from first-time developers to high-end projects.

Brompton Icon Lump Sum Contracting

Lump Sum Contracting

The traditional approach to construction, where we price your designs and offer a set cost and program. By working to an agreed upon set of plans and specifications, we promise low financial risk and a fixed construction cost. This approach is perfect for first-time developers or high-end projects where retaining control is important.

Brompton Icon DC Contracting

Design and Construct Contracting

We get involved early on and use our expertise to fill in any gaps. Our team takes on any undocumented risk and guides the project through to completion. This approach is effective in mitigating developer risk and for fast-moving projects.

Brompton Icon Early Contractor Involvement

Early Contractor Involvement

By engaging in the design process from as early as the town planning stage, we are able to offer our expertise and input. Any site-related difficulties and challenges that may arise can be identified by us at the preliminary stages and handled effectively, resulting in easier construction and more efficient delivery of the project. This option is great for those who want to get the job done right the first time.

Brompton Icon PC Planning

Preliminary Cost Planning

We provide high level pricing estimates for high level ideas. Using historical rates, we offer indicative pricing to help with feasibility assessments. This ensures transparency which allows for informed decision making.


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